At Stettler Veterinary Clinic your animal's best interest is our priority. We hold ourselves to a high standard of care and strive to meet and exceed that standard. Our ambulatory vet services operate year-round and after hours for emergencies. If you don't see the service you need here, please feel free to contact the clinic as we are able to provide additional services on a case-by-case basis.
Herd Management
Our veterinarians are able to help you develop a herd program that will suit your operations needs. We are able to provide in depth examinations of individual animals that are not performing at the level you would like and we are able to analyze larger groups (such as feedlots). Stettler Veterinary Clinic carries a wide range of medications, both to use as metaphylaxis and for treatment of specific diseases. We have veterinarians who are qualified to export animals to the USA, perform BSE sampling and help with submission for AI entry. We also have a PhD nutritionist on staff for feed and mineral consultations.
Vaccines & Dewormers
Our clinic offers a wide variety of cattle vaccines and dewormers that will suit your operations needs. We have both modified live virus and killed virus vaccines available and can advise you on which vaccine would be best for your situation. Vaccination can help prevent your animals from developing infections with IBR, BVD, PI3, BRSV, Pasteurella, Clostridial diseases, Vibriosis, Leptospirosis, Coronavirus, Rotavirus, E. coli (scours) foot rot and pink eye.
Stop in to talk to one of our vets so we can help you set up your vaccine and deworming program!
Surgical Procedures
Our veterinarians are able to provide a variety of surgical procedures valuable to your operation. These include castration, dehorning, casting broken legs, c-sections, claw amputations, cancer eye removal, bloat surgeries, lacerations, hernia and prolapse repairs.
Reproductive Services
Our veterinarians are skilled in pregnancy diagnosis. Pregnancy diagnosis can be made with an ultrasound or by rectal palpation. They are also able to help with artifical insemination and breeding synchronization protocols.
We are also able to perform breeding soundness evaluations on your herd bulls either in clinic or on farm to ensure the are ready for the breeding season. We are able to test large numbers of bulls in a reasonable amount of time. We adhere to the guidelines set out by the Western Canadian Association of Bovine Practitioners (WCABP). At calving time, our veterinarians are also able to aid with dystocias and perform cesarians if needed.
Scouring and Sick Calves
Our veterinarians are able to provide full examinations on sick calves and develop an appropriate treatment plan. These services are offered both in clinic and on farm, and are tailored to the calf's individual needs. Our clinic has a separate isolation ward with stalls for calves. This provides a dry, warm place for your calf to recover. This also allows us to maintain your calf on IV fluids and antibiotics, as well as provide other supportive measures, while he is sick. In addition to treating scouring calves, we can also do on farm assessment to determine if there are certain factors contributing to a scours outbreak.